
Node is callable thing .In python world ,we have three callable things ,

  • function
  • function object. class with override `__call__`
  • lambada

Major work of user of databot shouble be writing core logic function, for parsing, mapping,calculating , aggregating. It is the main purpose of databot desing.

Pass into Node:

Node must have only one parameter. the pass in value is from upflow node return value.

Return from Node:

Node can return anything . list ,generator,raw value,tuple .


  • list will be unpacked into separate item . tuple will not be unpacked.
  • generator will be iterated by bot. so you can return a infinite generator to simulate a stream flow it is interested to test.
  • raw will put into queue.

How to handle Excpetion:

Exception behavior will act according to `config.Exception_policy = config.Exception_raise ` setting.

 default exception policy is raise
 raise exception
 ignore exception. exception raised from node will be suppressed.
 the value will put in input-queue after some delay.
 the exception tread as returen value ,put in output queue. it will be usefull in blockedjoin route scenarios.